Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unadulterated pleasure

It was pure unadulterated satisfying pleasure - better than orgasm - when I called and told the Chibaibank that I wanna cancel my credit card with them.

This was how the conversation went:

Ms Chibai: Good afternoon, what can I do for you?

Me: I wanna cancel my credit card account

Ms Chibai: Oh I am so sorry to hear that. May I know why you wanna cancel?

Me: Becoz it’s a useless card and I don’t like Chibaibank *that was me at my politest oredi*

Ms Chibai: Ohhh…. *Terus silent for many seconds.*

Then after a very long pause….

Ms Chibai: OK, I will update the system and it will show in the final statement to you. Tenkiu, bai! *quickly hung up*

Short and sweet conversation - this must be the only call dealing with them that I found not so irritating - after all this time!

Wahlan… luckily she hung up or else…. I would gladly have told her more reasons why her chibaibank is soooo farking useless.

OK… that’s one chapter of my life closed. Good riddance to rubbish bank.


Sinkar said...

so bad meh the citi? so far i m ok, not much problem. the one i tulaan is rhb and uob.. the cust service really sux..

Queen Tulaan said...

sinkar: yes, veli da bad, believe me. I no hav RHB - cannot comment... but UOB so far has not tulan'ed me yet, hehe!